
Weather in DFW can be so cruel. We had a beautiful week of mild weather (and insufferable allergies) in January, and the garden bug hit me again, but then the cold chill came back. I had bought a purple chrysanthemum plant hoping to start work on the yard. Silly me. Today we'll be enjoying 71º F and tomorrow? I kid you not, 39º F.

I have grown a spinach plant successfully from the leftovers from store bought spinach.  Give it some time, I pulled one out after a week of impatience and saw that it had grown a long root.

I've also found the most fantastic companion plant list from Pinterest. Golden Harvest Organics has a very long list (unfortunately no grid) of plants that do well and don't do well together. It is certainly worth the look through.

On the upside I have four cilantro plants that sprung up this winter. It even somehow survived the snow. My other winter survivors: oregano, thyme, sage, and chives.


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