
So much has happened yesterday!

First off, remember my plants that I planted July 31st?
The roots are now touching the bottom of the bottle. I think I'll try to move them outdoors since my larger pots will be used relatively soon.

I then went to the Fort Worth Home and Garden show. I think I won't be going to such conventions anymore since there were more "home" booths rather than gardening. However, I did get to meet the ladies at the Agri-Life Extension of Tarrant County. They were really wonderful, friendly, and informative. I sat through two of their seminars, perused their bug booth, and took many of their flyers.

Lastly, my Coe's Comfrey package has arrived! I'm so excited! The clay that I live on is somewhat problematic. My poor Thyme is having a heck of a time in my square foot garden. Apparently they like to deeply root themselves.


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